Dr. Maftuhin is an associate professor in Islamic Law at the State Islamic University of Sunan Kalijaga, Indonesia. Currently he is a postdoctoral fellow at the Department of Asian Studies, the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and collaborates with Prof. Ronit Ricci in the ERC-funded project, "Textual Microcosms: A New Approach in Translation Studies." He will work mainly on the literature of "kitab makna gandhul," a massive Javanese translation of Islamic Arabic books popularly used in the Islamic education system in Java, Indonesia.
He is an interdisciplinary academic, working on various issues in Islamic law, political Islam, and disability studies. His work includes the translation of Arabic books into Indonesian, books on Islam and disability, papers in academic journals, and popular articles for Indonesian national newspapers and magazines.
Dr. Maftuhin is also an activist working on the rights of persons with disabilities in Indonesia. Since 2010 he has been helping people with disabilities to get their educational rights and open access to higher education. He was Head of the Center for Services for Persons with Disabilities (2013-2020). He is currently the Editor-in-Chief of INKLUSI: Journal of Disability Studies.
For more detailed information about his works, check his blog at https://maftuh.in