Plaks Fellowship 2024

The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Faculty of Humanities is happy to announce a new round
of Plaks Fellowship in support of advanced graduate students (PhD, or outstanding MA
candidates) at Hebrew University, engaged in in-depth research in traditional Chinese or
Japanese humanities (history, literature, philosophy, religion, archaeology, art history, etc.)

AIM: to facilitate continued study and research leading to advanced degree, by lessening
financial pressure and allowing the student to dedicate more time to his/her research

AWARD: US$10,000, with possibility of renewal in subsequent year(s) on basis of
demonstrated progress in research

APPLICATION PROCEDURE: applicants are encouraged to submit detailed
study/research proposal to Professor Yuri Pines or Professor Gideon
Shelach-Lavi Selection will be made based on importance of
topic and applicant’s prospect of producing significant new research results.

Deadline for 2024-2025: October 1, 2024