Heidelberg University 2-year Master Programme in Transcultural Studies


Heidelberg University welcomes applications for its 2-year Master Programme in Transcultural Studies. Across disciplines and national borders, students from around the globe can explore the dynamics of cultural exchanges. The emphasis lies on Asian, predominantly East and South Asian, and European cultures.

The M.A. Transcultural Studies is a research-oriented, interdisciplinary programme in the humanities and social sciences with a transregional focus. It offers a wide range of courses within an international research environment and is completely taught in English. Students are trained in transcultural theories and methods as well as in the study of cross-cultural exchanges in past and present, specifically between Asia and Europe. They specialise in one of three study foci: “Society, Economy, and Governance”, “Visual, Media and Material Culture”, or “Knowledge, Belief, and Religion”. They will learn to critically evaluate research tools and methodologies from different disciplines in order to arrive at a set of methods and theories, which is framed according to the specific research question and material.

Students are encouraged to spend their third semester abroad on study exchange or conducting a research oriented internship. They can benefit from partnerships with Tokyo and Kyoto University, Seoul National University and Yale University that also include funding programmes. A study exchange to other Asian as well as European countries is also possible.

The M.A. Transcultural Studies grants additionally the option to earn a Joint Degree Master Certificate with its partner Kyoto University (Graduate School of Letters) in Transcultural Studies. Students can apply for the Joint Degree version (Heidelberg/Kyoto) only AFTER admission to and enrollment in the regular Master Transcultural Studies Programme at the end of the regular M.A. Transcultural Studies Programme´s first semester.

Applicants must hold a B.A. or equivalent (minimum three years of study) in a discipline of the humanities or social sciences with an above-average grade. Furthermore, proficiency in English and two more languages is required.

The application deadline for international students is June 15, 2019.

For more information on the programme as well as the application requirements and process please visit http://www.transcultural.uni-hd.de/