
A letter to the department's alumni:

Dear Alumni of the Asian (formerly: East Asian) Studies department in the Hebrew University of Jerusalem,

Our department, which currently includes China, Japan, Korea, and India and Indonesia studies, hereby invites you to join our Asian Studies community!

This academic year (2018-2019), we are very proud to celebrate the department's fiftieth anniversary. Established in 1968, we are the oldest department of Asian Studies in Israel and currently one of the largest departments in the Faculty of Humanities at the Hebrew University.

In recent years, the department has shown tremendous development and is carrying out a wide variety of activities – from international conferences, lectures, and various musical and theatrical performances to traveling seminars in Mongolia, Xinjiang, Japan, Korea, and India.

Our students have also become involved in unique outreach projects, including the High School Project, in which undergraduate and graduate students conduct Asia-related lectures and workshops in junior and senior high schools in Jerusalem and the surrounding areas, thereby helping to further knowledge about Asia and its cultures among youth and the wider Israeli public.  

It is important for us to involve you – the department's alumni – in our activities as well. We believe that strengthening connections between each and every one of you, and the current faculty and student body in the department can provide an important platform for establishing social and professional connections as well as a valuable forum for publishing job offers and other Asia-related opportunities.

If you are interested in attending our events or in reaching out and sharing your knowledge and experience, please send us a message at eacenter@mail.huji.ac.il.

Looking forward to hearing from you!

Dr. Orna Naftali

Chair, Department of Asian Studies